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Slims Box
3.0 mg
0.3 mg
Made In
Karelia Slims Blue

   The Karelia Slim line, targeted for ladies, is produced in Kallarnata, Greece, by the Karelia Tobacco Company, Inc. Karelia Slims Blue Cigarettes, super slim cigarette is not your average, run of the mill cigarette that just anyone will smoke. It is distinctly feminine in its taste, design and of course in packaging décor. The exclusive pricing marks it as the cigarette for the wealthy lady with a discerning taste that is a little slice of luxury. Karelia Slims Blue Cigarettes bears the distinct aromatic smells and flavor of the warm Greek sunshine in every smoke.

   The Karelia Tobacco Company is famous worldwide for its premium varieties of cigarettes. It was started in 1888 as a family owned business and has steadily grown ever since into a larger and more profitable business. Currently, they are distributed in over 60 countries mainly in Greece and Europe. Distribution is also growing in the Americas, Africa, and Pacific Asia. For those places that do not have the luxury of having them distributed by the fine tobacco stores in their areas, Karelia Slims Blue Cigarettes are offered by several tobacco retailers for purchase over the internet making it possible for almost every classy lady to try Karelia Slims Blue Cigarettes.

   The company combines a premium blend of the highest quality soft tobacco with the finest of production technology. Karelia production technology state of the art and is one of the best in the world. Karelia cigs brand is offered in the following varieties: Karelia Slims, Karelia Slims Blue, Karelia Slims Menthol, and Karelia Slims Crem Color. All of the varieties are filtered and are the longer super slim design favored by smoking ladies throughout the world for a more delicate appearance and appeal. They were first offered in 1988 and are an all natural with no artificial additives making them a healthier cigarette over many other brands on the market currently.

   The hard, flip top boxes are white in color with a floral stripe down the side of the box. The hard box is especially favored by women because they easily fit inside a purse without the worry of them being crushed or broken. The Karelia name and “Slim” logo, as well as the flavor variety are splashed across the front in gold lettering. These elements work together to make the packaging as inviting for a woman as buying a new pair of shoes. They are pretty and feminine to look at while silently conveying a sense of secret feminine power.

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